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    Boulevard de la Woluwe, Bruxelles, Belgium

    + 1

    Imm les Quatre Temps 3 Lot la Colline Lot 14, 2ème étage, Casablanca, Morocco

  • Employees

    0 - 50 employees


Meet the Wigglers!

Our team is a diverse mix of talent. We've got technical directors who conjure up recruitment magic, developers who build bridges between people and possibilities, designers who craft experiences that make you smile, and digital project managers who keep our ship sailing smoothly. Marketing officers? Oh yeah, they're the ones spreading the Wiggli love far and wide. And of course, at the helm, we have our CEO and co-founder, the fearless captain who guides us into uncharted recruitment territories. So, brace yourself, talent magnets! There's gotta be a role here that sparks your inner innovator, ignites your passion, and makes you want to join our Team. Explore our open positions, and let's rewrite the recruitment rulebook together!
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Imad Boumzaoued - Technical and Product Director

Imad currently holds the position of Technical and Product Director at Wiggli. His extensive expertise in web development has established him as a true leader within the company. His long-standing commitment and contributions have been instrumental in the growth and success of Wiggli.

As the Technical and Product Director, Imad steers the company's technical direction, constantly seeking improvements and innovations. He actively participates in product development, ensuring their reliability, scalability, and alignment with market requirements. Beyond his core responsibilities, Imad collaborates effectively with the marketing, sales, and support teams, making a significant contribution to Wiggli's strong performance in the market.

Imad's leadership influence extends far beyond the professional realm. As a passionate gaming enthusiast, he brings a strategic and innovative vision both to his work and the team, making him a versatile and dedicated leader.

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Soufiane Boutahlil - Tech Lead Front-end

When he's not running or hiking, you'll find Soufiane engrossed in a good book. He's a true explorer in both work and life. 

As a Tech Lead, his role is to guide, advise, and support our team. He ensures we follow best practices and maintain top coding standards. Soufiane also plays a key role in our sprint planning, ensuring smooth progress and efficient solutions. A trailblazer in more ways than one!

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Yann Sambou - Back-End Developer

Yann is a valuable member of our backend team at Wiggli, with 5 years of experience in the field. Outside of work, he's passionate about cooking. As a backend developer, his role involves ensuring our platform runs smoothly by conducting tests, optimizing performance, and maintaining server and database stability.

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Zohair Laaban - Back-end Developer

Zohair, one of our backend developers, is a TV series enthusiast who spends his free time indulging in Netflix. Beyond his work, he is an avid reader. 

As a backend developer, Zohair specializes in creating and managing APIs, a vital component to ensure the smooth operation of our platform and deliver a seamless user experience. His role is essential for the interoperability of our system's components.

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Driss Neeman - UX/UI Designer

If you're looking for Driss, you'll probably find him on a football field or engaged in a kick-boxing session! On the professional side, if we had to describe his role in one sentence, we would say he's the bridge between technology and users. 

His primary goal is to make the user experience logical and enjoyable. To achieve this, Driss tests any potential new feature with a user panel using prototypes. This is how we ensure that the platform meets our clients' needs.

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Hassan El Idrissi - Technical and Product Director

As the Technical and Product Director at Wiggli, Hassan stands out as a visionary in technological innovation, with 12 years of experience in web development. He plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's long-term strategy, guiding his team towards new technological horizons. His passion for football and FIFA strongly influences his work philosophy, constantly striving for technical excellence as if he were scoring goals.

In his capacity as a strategic leader, Hassan defines the technical and product vision, underpinning the foundation for future development. He is deeply committed to continuous innovation, consistently encouraging his team to stay at the forefront of the latest technological advances. Additionally, he oversees product development, ensuring that solutions meet client requirements and market needs. His constant dedication to technical excellence ensures the robustness, scalability, and security of Wiggli's technologies.

Furthermore, his ability to collaborate across functions is a key element of his role, working closely with the marketing, sales, and customer service teams to ensure the overall success of products in the market.

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Mohamed Faye - Front-end Developer

Mohamed is a Full-Stack developer with over 3 years of expertise in the field. He has been part of the Wiggli team since January 2023, holding the position of Front-End developer. His primary responsibility is to create exceptional user experiences on websites and applications.

With skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React.js and Next.js, Mohamed brings designers' concepts to life with functional and interactive implementations.

Beyond his technical abilities, Mohamed is passionate about bodybuilding and combat sports, showcasing a versatile and dynamic personality.

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Aurélie Tibackx - Digital Project Manager

Aurélie's role is to ensure that every company on Wiggli is presented in the best possible way through their employer branding page, using professional content creation. Planning, checklists, and extensive communication with clients are all part of her daily tasks.

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Maud Deweer - Growth Director

It's as the Growth Director that Maud joined Wiggli. Like a conductor, she expertly manages various teams within her department, including the sales team and project managers.

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Sarah Hachti - Marketing Officer

Today, Sarah holds the position of Marketing Officer, but she initially proved herself as a marketing intern at Wiggli. Her journey demonstrates that there are abundant career opportunities, and advancement is strongly encouraged by the management teams.

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Farid El Machaoud - Co-Founder and CEO

Behind every triumph, there's a visionary, and Farid embodies that spirit. It was on the picturesque shores of Marseille's Old Port where the seed of THE idea sprouted. You may already be familiar with the rest of the story because, by reading this text, you find yourself at the inception of bringing his concept to life. 

Farid is a man driven by projects. With his partners, he initially ventured into the world of recruitment before setting his sights on offering a comprehensive solution to tackle the industry's challenges. 

The birth of Wiggli? It all began with an intuition, an idea, and, above all, a firm dedication, accompanied by a series of challenges, trials, errors, and, of course, remarkable triumphs. In essence, a true odyssey.

Surrounded by his teams, Farid's main role is now to coordinate everyone to unlock the full potential of the Wiggli solution.

 Back-End Department

The Wiggli back-end department in a nutshell? Ensuring the smoothness and efficiency of the platform. Responsible for managing our product, the Backend developers work on the unseen part of the platform, handling databases, APIs, and other essential technical components. They ensure that the platform is robust, scalable, and secure, ensuring a seamless user experience.

They are also tasked with collaborating with other departments, such as the front-end department, to ensure that all parts of the platform work together seamlessly. The Backend department plays a crucial role in Wiggli's success, ensuring that the product is at the forefront of technical innovation and meets the changing needs of its users.

Front-End Department

The Frontend department at Wiggli plays a crucial role in the appearance and user-friendliness of the platform. Frontend developers are responsible for managing the user interface, visual design, and overall user experience.

They work on the visible part of the platform: creating interactive web pages and developing attractive graphic elements. They ensure that users can navigate easily and find essential information.

Frontend developers also ensure that the website is responsive and optimized for use on various devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

Mobile Department

Today, what would a tool be if it were not accessible on a mobile device? The role of this department is therefore crucial for the platform's accessibility, ensuring that users can interact with Wiggli optimally on their mobile devices, whether it's a smartphone or a tablet.

Mobile developers are responsible for creating and maintaining Wiggli's mobile applications, available on various platforms such as Android and iOS. They ensure that our applications provide a consistent and enjoyable user experience.

The main goal? Even on the go, Wiggli users can access the platform, apply for jobs, manage their profiles, and benefit from all essential features conveniently and optimized for their mobile devices.

Infrastructure Department

At the heart of the platform lies Wiggli's Infrastructure department. Its role is to ensure its stability, security, and performance. Infrastructure developers are responsible for managing and evolving the technical infrastructure that supports all operations.

Their work involves designing, deploying, and maintaining the systems, networks, and servers that power the platform. They ensure that servers are always operational, data is secure, and the website functions optimally. They also oversee data backup, system resilience in case of failure, and performance optimization to ensure an exceptional user experience.

UX/UI Department

Wiggli's UX/UI team is a fundamental pillar of our company. These developers shape the user experience on the platform by creating interfaces that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.

Beyond aesthetics, these designers collaborate with our development teams to design interfaces that make using the platform easy. The key principles? Pleasing and efficient.

The UX/UI team not only creates designs but also conducts numerous tests to gather feedback and analyze user behavior. They then implement continuous improvements to ensure our platform meets users' expectations and needs.

Sales Department

First embodied by the founder of Wiggli, the sales department is now in full expansion. Comprising diverse profiles such as sales professionals and project managers, the primary mission of this department is to establish strong connections with our clients and assist them in understanding how Wiggli can meet their recruitment and talent management needs. They act as ambassadors for our company.

The members of the sales team collaborate closely with other departments such as marketing to ensure a consistent and appealing presentation of our products. They are also responsible for managing existing client accounts, ensuring that our services continue to meet their needs and expectations.

In summary, Wiggli's sales department serves as the privileged point of contact between the company and its clients, showcasing the platform and services while cultivating lasting and mutually beneficial relationships.

Marketing Department

A company never gets far without its marketing department, and Wiggli is no exception to this rule! This team plays a crucial role in terms of visibility, brand image, and promotion of the company's products and services. Tasked with highlighting the solution in its entirety, it's the marketing team that actively manages social media and orchestrates all communication around Wiggli's products. They are also actively involved in developing the employer brand.

In summary, Wiggli's marketing team is responsible for showcasing the advantages of our platform to the world, cultivating a dynamic and engaging online presence, and contributing to the continuous growth of the company and its workforce through effective marketing strategies.

Office - Casablanca

This is where a significant part of the Wiggli team is based, where ideas flow and come to life! 

Step through the doors of our offices and experience the vibrant and welcoming atmosphere of this place where numerous talents come together.

Office - Brussels

Located in the heart of the Belgian capital, our offices host a subtle blend of innovation, creativity, and technology.

Stop by for a visit; we're confident you'll appreciate the decor that creates a unique atmosphere in each meeting room!

Digital Innovation: Our Technological Levers

Discover the technological universe of Wiggli! Here, you will find an overview of all the technologies and tools used by each department. Explore the innovation at the core of our company and delve into the solutions that fuel our daily success.
  • PHP 7 & 8 100%
  • Framwork Laminas 70%
  • CQRS Event Sourcing 90%
  • Prooph 90%
  • MongoDB 100%
  • Wordpress 70%
  • API tools 90%
  • Dato CMS 70%
  • Redis 60%
  • Memcached 60%
  • RDS Aurora 70%
  • MySQL 70%
  • Elasticsearch 100%
  • Golang 30%
  • React 100%
  • Nextjs 70%
  • CSS 100%
  • JavaScript 100%
  • HTML 100%
  • TypeScript 70%
  • Flutter 100%
  • Dart 100%
  • Golang 100%
  • Terraform 100%
  • Amazon Web Services 100%
  • MongoDB Atlas 100%
  • Github 100%
  • Cloudwatch 70%
  • Grafana 70%
  • Miro 70%
  • Adobe 80%
  • Figma 100%

A bit more Wiggli content...

Explore our Wiggli universe through captured moments in photos! Here, sharing, joy, and team spirit come to life. Immerse yourself in our environment and discover the dynamics that fuel our daily life. 📸

Team Buildings :

Team Building 2023

Unforgettable adventures, shared laughter, and strengthened bonds: a glimpse into our team-building day! 💫 An enriching experience where every challenge and thrilling moment forged our team spirit. Memories that will last a lifetime. 💪

La vie chez Wiggli :


When teamwork blends with relaxation at Wiggli! 🌟 These images capture our after-work gatherings, special moments where we share laughter, anecdotes, and strengthen our bonds. An amazing team, unforgettable memories.

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